Friday, June 02, 2006

Episode Thirty

Ravi and Sonia brave searing heat and the stifling confines of Studio-A for the official kick-off to the DriveTime Summer Season. Guest veterans Christopher Monks and Peter Bebergal descend into the inferno to talk about their participation in The Utter Wonder Humor Reading Series (Vol. I) this Sunday at the venerable Plough and Stars.

To provide a cool, cleansing arena for a reading by the literary duo, Ravi navigates the sweating mass of bodies to -- could it be? -- a car wash...

(QuickTime, 08:54)


Manblogger641 said...

I can't wait for the next installment of drive time. The suspence is killing me Ravi! I need to know what happens. Have a great weekend.

Ravi said...

Thanks mb641 -- Sonia echoed your suspense sentiments when she watched this... and she was there!

Ravi said...

david -- *you* should have written the episode description! And kudos to you for the Das Boot observation. Spot on and very fitting as we (all) are left hanging on the edge of diving into the murky depths.

Ravi said...

ken -- we'll resolve all the suspense next week!

Anonymous said...

Love the haircut! :D

I know how you feel about lack of wallet. I have a wallet but I never carry cash. I just have a check card VISA thingy that pays for most things. I always get caught unawares when I need cash unless it's for laundry. ;)

I'm gonna have to make a Drive Time Musical Montage... :D I just found out that my computer has Adobe Premier LE and it edits practically anything. :D

KUDOS!!! Great episode as always!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ravi....
i like the summer edition, but i thought the beard was going memorial day?! hmmm seems it has a lasting appeal.

I thought you might like to meet my video comments cameraman...this is his feed to update friends and family...

Joe C said...

How about "Car Wash" by Rose Royce for your musical montage? Seems fitting.

Ravi said...

glad you like the haircut lehsa -- I was definitely getting a little too shaggy... but I kept it a little foppish instead of going for the usual summer buzzcut!

noel b -- yikes! You're actually paying attention to what I'm saying... Yes, I believe Memorial Day was the shave cut-off -- but, we're still awash in chilling rains in New England, so I might have to wait until the temperature pops up again. I'm trying to maintain the trim!

Good suggestion joe c -- perhaps more fitting for the upcoming episode?