Saturday, November 11, 2006

Production Update

Due to matters of law which I will elaborate upon next week, there will be no DriveTime this week (there was very little driving this past week, if that helps give a clue...)

BUT, the Wikake project moves along and voting for base cake/filling combo is still open!


Ashley said...

hello there. thought i would stop in and see what is going on. hello.

BionicBuddha said...

Great blogiste!

Anonymous said...

Uhm you might want to delete Fakir and Anon... they sound like trollies.

Other than that... what law did you break? Did you not get your inspection sticker up to date? Did you not pass the emissions tests for the car? Did you have a broken tail or break light?

I hope it wasn't a traffic ticket. I hate those. Only had two in my whole career as a driver so far but they still sucked. Managed to get out of both of them... *whew*

I wish you the best of luck and break a leg arm etc if that helps.

Tea Kettle said...

I stumbled upon your page through Blogs of Note and I managed to update myself on the concept of drive time and it's only sad I didnt think of it first haha but wonderful job- major kudos =D it's better than whats on tv i'd have to say plus it seems you guys really have fun on these little trips. I have a little gift just to show my love for drive time, thats if you'd accept it or even use it for that matter. it's not the greatest piece of work but hope u like it.

Anonymous said...

Stumbled on drive time today and watched all episodes. Nice concept. really enjoyed it.

From the Philippines!


Maxy Max said...

does ravi really respon to these comments? lets find out. I'm starting to think he is a lonelygirl15. anyway, drop me a line ravi... want to start up drivetime ireland/finland when i get my car up and running again.


Renegade said...

Sounds like vacation time!

Please visit Renegade's BS

Anonymous said...


Ravi does answer comments.
Check out other shows and the comments listed.


MJ said...

Nice blog! :-)

david santos said...

Muito bem, condutor do tempo (DriveTime), parabéns.
Se passar por meu blog, pode escrever em: português, espanhol, francês, alemão ou inglês.
Adorei. (very good)

Anonymous said...

Jury duty? ;)

No, probably not.
I look forward to another update!

Monica said...

great blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Great! Liceo Scientifico

Open House said...

When is the 1 year anniv. video being posted~!

Anonymous said...


not yet said...


Ravi said...

We are back in the swing of things! (cue Ravi "Muppet" moment).

Strange batch of comments here... thanks for looking out for the trollies lehsa (and commenting in my stead!) If r2k is actually human (or a mammal) and not some sort of bot, it might actually be the first ever purely emoticon based comment. Still... a little strange to have a flurry of one liners, but maybe it's just people who want to proclaim gumpisms like "life is good"?

smiles -- thanks for the graphic! I wish we could drive on a nice wide space like that instead of our windy ways of Boston! ;-)

Greetings filworks! I can't recall any other comments from the Philippines, so give your country a big shout out from me.

Oh stan, stop! I do respond to comments (unless they're vague one liners like, "Life is like a bag of fritos....") I'm fascinated by the Finnish obsession. I lived in Sweden for a number of years and had the chance to visit "the crazy Finns" a number of time. In fact, I had the pleasure of zipping over (by zipping, I mean 14 hour ferry ride) to Helsinki to see one of my favorite bands, Laika and the Cosmonauts. Moi moi!

Renegade? Are you a mammal?!

ditto mj

thanks david santos -- I didn't catch all of that, but it sounds good!

grend -- if we had DriveTime t-shirts, I'd send you one.

thanks... monica?

open house -- you might be the only who remembers the anniversary! Maybe in time for the 2-year mark?!

lady, guru-tech and lil -- 'nuff said

thanks humans and mammals for your thoughts -- I'll try to not to be so out of the DT loop! And bots, I don't love you, in fact, if you watch DriveTime regularly, you'll know I fear you.

Anonymous said...

nice vids... great blog

simplistic said...

cool i have streaming videos of tv shows in my blog