Friday, November 18, 2005

Host "issues"

So close, yet so far.

The latest episode is done and uploaded, but the Internet Archive is experiencing some problems in accepting the metadeta for the clip.

So it's not viewable.

Again, I think I need to find another host.

Thanks for your patience.


Anonymous said...

major bummer!
ugh.. the suspense!

have you tried ?

its owned by the internet archive too, but i think its a seperate video host?

Ravi said...

thanks ronny,

I actually did try to re-register with ourmedia (even though one should be able to log in with the same account), but it led me back to anyway.

they've resolved their issues and it's working now.

thanks for your patience!


Ravi said...


i started watching it but then stopped when it began with a recap of the finale from last season (which i've yet to see).

but thanks for the notice!

Anonymous said...

what about google video???

Ravi said...


I don't know much about Google video, but I'll take a look.