In the conclusion to episode ten, writer Peter Bebergal reads a piece about Chanukah and Christmas for Ravi -- and a "digital Sonia." Finally, as Ravi and Peter chaw over some Australian licorice, a somewhat semi-regular proposition is offered.
(QuickTime, 09:15)
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena! Kala Christougena!
Join the Latke Clan at The LeeVees website. Best Hanukkah song of the year!
You Greek Steve?! Thanks for the well wishes!
I love the LeeVees (we just listened to a bunch of tracks). I asked Sonia why they didn't play them on the radio -- we've been listening to the all-Holiday radio for weeks now... and no Hanukkah songs (not even the overplayed Adam Sandler song).
Sonia thought that maybe because the LeeVees' songs are kind of goofy.
To which I replied, "And the Christmas songs they play on the radio aren't?" (ie Dominic the Christmas Donkey).
astute observation david.
it was the corporeal Sonia that suggested I remove the digital Sonia that I had in later sequences (after I had painstakingly adjusted lighting levels to match the moving light levels in the car!) -- for the very reason you mentioned.
kudos to the co-host!
ripped from today's headlines... nice read. couldn't help but notice your turn signal sound as metronome... how about a rhyming guest to accompany turn signal? local hiphop artist?
yo yo yo crappy Xmas
I love how Sonia looks like a benign angel popping in to check on you!
brian and editengine -- I like it! Local spoken word artists... don't they still have that poetry slam thing at the Cantab?
bev -- an angel indeed...
A great idea and a wonderful show. Sometimes it gets really funny. I like it.
thanks for the feedback abdusalaam!
I have just watched your vidcast for the first time
I enjoyed it very much and will be viewing 1 thru 10 over the holidays.
I too am a podcaster/vidcaster. Mainly I use audio but video is the future of this media, so I believe.
www.barryfrombarrie ( zero miles per hour podcast )
Thanks for the entertainment.
Nice episode, great to see that you try to do something new in everyone.. not to mention the new guest and even new kinds of guest that always appear!
What you need for your main studio is a panorama cam, but I don't even know if it's available in a form that's cheap and good... you might be the first one ever in the market for one! :-)
Happy New Year
Hi Ravi and Sonia. Well done once again. Good session drive time ‘exclusive’ …with Peter and his interesting reading – can’t beat that …
The contrast between Judaism and Christianity – that could be a long discussion
I like the idea of reviews – Books – Music – American zeitgeist stuff of interest to your international audience – very current just now - the topic of intelligent design verses evolution is a hot one …
Anyway Ravi lets keep the conversation topical and interesting
did you let slip you are hoping /looking for sponsors! Now that would be a step ... but in which direction?
I look forward to next Saturday …
Thanks for the comment and link barrington!
thanks for the panoramic tip ulrik -- we'll be experimenting with some new vantage/view points in '06!
glad you enjoyed it amnesiac!
english brian, thanks for the thoughtful comments. just so your the "first" to know -- no new episode this week (we're on holiday!)
I absolutely loved the soft Star Trek noise that marked the beaming in and out of your lovely co-host!
Very fun blog to watch and I look forward to Sweeps Week and the carwash.
Glendale, AZ
I enjoy how much Sonia has become involved in the show. In previous episodes, it sure looked like she had no interest in this insanity. Now, she's welcoming "_our_ guest" and asking talk show questions. It is an interesting change in co-host involvement.
casey -- let's just say you enjoyed the soft whooshing sound.
ken -- astute observations!
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