Ravi and Sonia share a jaunty recap of their hiatus before opening up the DriveTime Glovebox, where a recommendation prompts a new segment: DriveTime Science Friday.
Original music by Hans Indigo Spencer (www.indigoinventions.com.)
(QuickTime, 09:20)
Danger Will Robinson - got to pay to play. I wonder if traffic at P********s.com is spiking today? I myself am now looking at a Metropolitan.
Also I think that shading the back half of the studio, including side windows would work quite nicely as it would eliminate the sun shining or being reflected .....directly in to the lens....which appears to be the issue, not ambient light.
However you would need to rethink the configuration for the sweeps week trifecta of driving around the sun and Deathrace 2000 events.
I am back to my T*ss**o and the NYT. You should consider selling the Vacation video to the Florida Board of Tourism. It's like straight 50's nirvana with the lobster car and surreal snow.
See you next week.
Erie, Pennsylvania
I was so concerned with my spell checker that I forgot this:
Personally I like the gritty edginess of the overexposure. The streets are a raw and blinding experience. Drivetime sans sunscreen or illegally tinted windows captures that essence.
WOW! science is so much fun with fruit!
Mucho bueno banter!
Did you use a video filter to give the Florida footage that "vintage-super8" look? The music was fantastic.
I don't mind the solar flares.
Hey, for sweeps week mayhaps another Science Friday involving the Big Dig tunnel - you could use a breakfast sausage and a doughnut. mmmwahahahahahaha.
- bp
royal -- you are the first and second out of the gate! I have to admit that some aspects of your comment left me flummoxed... We'll keep our grittiness for February sweeps, Deathrace 2K6 solar spins and all.
barrington -- it is fun... and then you can eat your exhibit!
bp -- the Florida footage was shot with my little digital camera, but its startling how rich and sunshiney it is (vs. the grey climes of New England). We're big fans of the music as well -- it keeps looping through our heads! Thanks for the Science Friday tip... I think any DriveTime Science Friday segments need to be edible in some way.
I have to admit that sometimes watching your videos makes me very nervous, wondering what the road conditions are--two hands off the wheel, looking at the camera, answering the cel phone...all makes for very dangerous driving. And if you crash, who will post the video?
I just want to say i love this video podcast !!!!! and i love it more when you mix it with extra stuff like movie clips like this week or the one in IKEA.
and i am waiting for one with a cooking segment!
Thank you.
bev -- I appreciate your concerns! Most of the hands-on activities this episode were in extreme traffic standstill. If I crash while filming... let's not think about that nasty scenario! I'll throw in some "Kids, don't do this in your own car" disclaimers before our nutty sweeps stunts.
anonymous -- I like the little break away segments as well! They're all shot with my little digital camera and give an opportunity to play around with that a bit...
editengine -- that's a sweet ride you've got there. actually for clarity's sake I will admit I was merely a passenger whilst shooting the lobster car... a passenger in the back seat no less!
Chris weighing in: "The shade thing can work and no matter which way you rotate the car, the sun seems to come in through the window behind sonia, so that might be worth trying. BUT if you want to keep the solar flares, by all means."
Polly comments: the attempts to hide details for viewers to uncover later (color of car, etc) are very Lost-like. Well done - emulate that show whenever possible.
Entertaining episode to kick off 2006. Thanks for catching us up - we wondered where you'd been. Chris wants a lobster car.
Great show! Thanks!
Regarding the bright color of Florida versus the grayness of Boston... is that why you were playing with the white balance button in the very beginning? Because the vibrant Florida footage almost made my head explode.
I think VW sells a lobster body kit for the New Beetle.
I was doubtless on the Red Line, bored, looking over someone's shoulder trying to read the pathetic Metro, as you were filming. And for the record, I never wear corduroy pants. Ever.
Is Sonia opening the toy car package or is she cooking popcorn in the glovebox? :)
Love the show!
polly -- was chris not paying attention? The sun comes from all directions... But thanks for alluding to Lost... maybe I should've strung out the mystery of "the trunk" ala "The Hatch." Maybe we'll introduce a monster under the hood?
Stefan -- vibrant indeed! I apologize for the corduroy slight. At least I didn't say jodhpurs!
jonnydock - all cooking segments will be saved for sweeps events!
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