Monday, February 13, 2006

iTunes not refreshing

For unknown reasons the latest episode has still not appeared up on the iTunes DriveTime page after three days. It usually takes a bit to appear, but never this long. It does download from iTunes if one is subscribed to the feed.

Coincidentally (or not so coincidentally,) I've added a little 'Subscribe with FireAnt' chicklet (above the iTunes chicklet no less!)

This has been fixed.


kim said...

I don't know if this will help but you could try adding a TTL tag to your XML code.

From the iTunes - Podcasts - Technical Speicifications:
The ttl tag stands for “time-to-live". It is an optional integer value that controls how many minutes iTunes will wait between checking for changes in a podcast. If no time-to-live is set on the podcast, the updater job assumes a time-to-live of 24 hours.

By default, the iTunes directory reads every feed once per day. However, you can control this rate using the < ttl> tag. Note that this tag affects the iTunes directory but not what existing subscribers see in their iTunes client. The client picks up new episodes based on the preferences set by the user.

It also provides instructions on how to Ping iTunes to update your info and an example of TTL code.

Ravi said...

Knowledge Sharing!!!

Thanks for the tip cooking kitty corner, I will definitely look into this -- maybe changing that will "kick-start" iTunes (since it #16 still hasn't come up).

Have you set your videos to "Fast-start"? I tried watching episode one but the download was hanging...

Ravi said...

Okay -- episode Sixteen is now appearing in iTunes. I think there was some funky text formatting in the blog that was throwing off the feed. I changed that and then pinged the feed from feedburner and iTunes and now it's there.

Apple's tech specs page is helpful.

kim said...


Fast start?

I've never heard the term but I know exactly what you're talking about. I'll definitely look into that tonight.

Knowledge sharing rocks!
- Pat