Here's a chance for YOU -- the DriveTime audience -- to voice your opinion. Hot on the heels of this week's TGIF shoot, we'll be shooting a segment this afternoon that I'm calling "Beard Or No Beard."
We're going to weigh the pros and cons of my beard-dom, so chime in today if you'd like your vote to matter.
And if anyone has Howie Mandel's contact info, please pass along!
It isn't so warm in Boston that you need to shave the beard, is it? It's only April.
Are we allowed to weigh in on this week's Pompador too, or is that a segment for another day?
Well, it's not as if it qualifies as a beard, is it? It's too patchy for that. Shave it, please. You've got a great chin.
Continue alternating... keeps it fresh.
And anyway, seems like Sonia's opinion is the only one that really counts.
Well, at least that's the way it would be in my household.
Whatever is comfortable for you works.
How about leaving only half of the face bearded? :)
I'm being silly.
Whatever you decide should be fine.
Hmmm... tough call.
Are you tired of it? Is Sonia tired of it?
I just started checking out your vlog... so I am still working back to the without experience.
Now, on the Pompadour...
I think the only answer is the Fu Manchu. You can't go wrong.
Love the vlog! I heard about it from Salon's Video Dog, and thanks to Bloglines, I'll never miss another new episode.
Embrace the Fu!
Love the logo! I vote for the beard -- patchy or no.
no beard! beardlessness makes you look younger
If you are going to do the beard, go all the way.
Here is Mr. Stanton's answer.
If you can't match that, then you better just give it up and shave it off.
Ravi & Sonia,
Great Blog!
It was so nice to see you dressed in spring clothing. I am in Louisiana and seeing you bundled in scarves, coats, and gloves made me feel sorry for you....:-)
I did enjoy this blog it was very different and I liked the head from side coming in, very funny!
Keep up the good work,
P.S. I like the Beard!!!!!!!
dens, I think maybe P.T. Barnum had some of that technology.
I'm putting my foot down on this one -I most emphatically vote, let it resound throughout the heavens and the earth from afar, for what is definitely positively and absolutely the most obvious choice: "No Beard." Or maybe: "Beard." I'm not sure which. (Haven't quite made my up my mind yet.)
let the damn thing grow, for the sake of all those incapable of growing full beards.
Hi Ravi and Sonia. I live in Birmingham, UK and just cant help but tune in to Drivetime every episode. Its like a mini real life soap opera. I have no idea of who you guys are but always wonder how you are doing as im waiting for the next episode to download. Keep up the good work - DT is a great 10 minutes of entertainment. Anyway onto the reason why im leaving this message - I started watching DT around episode 7 or something like that and have always been used to Ravi with a beard. I checked episode 1/2 and it just didnt seem like the Ravi i know, without the beard Ravi seems much younger and I guess would appeal to the women more, however with the beard seems more authoritive and distinguished, for that I have to vote Keep the Beard.
Sonia should definitely have a major say. My wife told me not to shave when I wanted to, "because I had a beard when I married her." I had to go back to our wedding pictures to point out that I did not have a beard at that time!
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