Ravi and Sonia break away from gridlock, road rage and $3 a gallon gas -- and doff their helmets for the debut episode of RideTime.
After a jaunty recap of the Wake Up The Earth parade, the tandem-mounted duo welcome bicycle activist Doug Mink who fills them in on the upcoming Bike Week activities in Boston.
(Quicktime, 06:59)
Dammit! RideTime! That was so my idea! You just had to do it before I could move back to LA! ;)
Anyway, awesome episode. Interesting split from the norm! You should show a picture of the bike rig next week!
good morning jeshii! (or is it evening for you?!)
Hmmm... a picture of the rig would probably have been good. I can tell you that it involved the head of a swiffer and lots of Duct tape (of course).
We should have documented the whole madness of trying to do this (in fact, I had to do some audio editing on my sailor-mouth when the camera tipped over in the beginning). And the camera started misbehaving even more after that.
Let's just say I think I'm finally going to have to get a new camera.
Ravi and Sonia--
You guys are good at this. I'm sure I would have run out of creative ideas by this point in the project, but you seem to have just hit your stride. A bicycle commuting episode for bike week ... that's genious. And so much of the fun is seeing how you (barely) overcome the technical challenges involved with your ideas.
Keep it up. I've loved DriveTime from the beginning, and it is getting better.
"I've loved DriveTime from the beginning, and it is getting better."
Thanks anonymous... we should hire you for the DriveTime PR Brigade! ;-)
My bike is rusting in my back bedroom and covered in dust. Unless I suddenly get back into perfect shape and get it cleaned up, it will remain that way. :P
Plus the fact that was my first "hand brake" bike and there are way too many hills in San Antonio to ride around here safely. (and cars!)
Great show as always! I still need to guess what Studio A is. Audi? ;) I haven't gotten far enough back into the archives to see yet.
This is an example of what makes your blog so compelling- the creativity. Vlogging outside the box- literally!
I'm jealous- I've always wanted to try riding a tandem bike...Was this your first time on one? Was it awkward to maneuver? Or did you get the hang of it pretty quickly?
And, P.S., You've probably already thought of this so I won't make a suggestion...I'll just ask, " When are the Car Talk guys coming on DriveTime?"
Best part of Ride Time for me? The part where you went to the parade. Why? Because it was SUNNY! You remember the sun, don't you? That big fiery ball up in the sky? Sigh... maybe we'll see it again someday...
I hope you guys aren't underwater like we were. Sounds like you're getting some nasty weather right now.
I hope you're ok! *hugs*
New England's pretty damp right now. Here a news page with several good videos.
-Joe C.
Did someone say "underwater"? SwimTime!!
Dashiell... that's evil!
Hmmm... Ravi and Sonya in swimwear interviewing people chasing after their floating homes and cars... sounds like a show in my area. ;)
I should get my dad to send me a copy of his movie when it rained in our hometown. He and my brother had a good 4 to 5 ft of water to run their paddle boat in. LOL Funny stuff to watch.
OH! I wasn't even thinking about all the flooding. Honest!
P.S. I'm not very bright.
bryanfred -- I think another RideTime episode would be fun. Alas, some of the events we spoke of have been postponed due to the unending rains. I will point out that Saturday morning, as Sonia and I drove through the soaking rains, we saw a lone brave bicyclist... it was Doug Mink! We stopped and I jumped out to greet him (hopefully didn't freak him out too much).
thanks for the thumbs up hotel coffee.
lehsa -- Audi it is!
claire -- this was our first time on a tandem. It actuallly was a little easier to operate than I anticipated. I was more put off my the toe-clips (which I never use, mostly due to my mammoth sized feet).
And yes -- we'd love to have Click n' Clack on DriveTime! We'd be honored.
joe c -- I actually saw the sun for a brief moment this afternoon. I almost burst into tears of joy...
Easy dashiell! ;-)
I'm glad to hear from you Ravi.
Was getting concerned not hearing anything.
Just wear a lifejacket in the car and don't do any low water crossings. We get so many people here who try the low water crossings and have to pay the high fines associated with stupidity.
Glad you're both ok... :D
lehsa -- two days in a row now that we've seen the sun (and the sun's seen us!) It's reactivating my mind, mood and spirit.
Ok, so right at the end, after everyone said goodbye & pedaled away, did anyone else see the face of Ghandi on the right side of the path (right after the pavement changes color from light to dark? 'Cause you could totally sell that (as a still, even) on Ebay.
Woah, Awesome!
I love it!!
Too bad I missed the entire freakin event....... My graduation was on the Red Bones day! AH! How horrible. I'm glad I had no idea...
I'm amazed no one talked about the parade - that was one of my favourite moments - what a great episode - in only 6 minutes! At the Oberlin Reunion I saw a guy riding a bike that was three frames welded together tall . . . awesome!
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