Saturday, July 15, 2006

World Cup Edition: Nine

In bidding farewell to the World Cup and to DWCE, Ravi and Sonia share a taste of their experience watching the Final and ponder what they've learned. Plus, a sneak peak into what could be an unprecedented DriveTime first in the coming weeks.

And they answer the question, "Can a headbutt to the sternum really cause injury?"

(QuickTime, 04:49)


Steve Garfield said...



Anonymous said...

OMG Ravi and Sonia... that was too funny! You guys really crack me up. :D

FYI, I won't be in Seattle but I will be in Spokane the week of the 27th... will you still be in that area? :D



Anonymous said...

sucker! heeheheeehee

Joe C said...

Wow, the James Gate looks like a great place. What the heck is in that Irish Breakfast? Lots of spuds, looks like. We'll miss you guys for the next week. Have fun out West.

We luvs y'all,
joe c.

Ed said...

ROFL. That was a classic ending to DTWCE. Can't wait to maybe see DriveTime on the, uh, road?

Have a safe trip!

Ravi said...

lehsa -- I think we'll be up in Vancouver at that point.

joe c -- the Irish breakfast was a hearty display of eggs, sausage, bacon, black pudding, white pudding, potatoes... and general goodness!

thanks all for the "good travel" wishes as we (maybe) take DriveTime to new vistas.

Anonymous said...

So really that your coming out to Seattle, you should drive with Steve Safrans other Lost Remote half, Cory Bergman. Liked the world cup coverage. "Like a Goat!"