Ravi and Sonia continue their summer vacation and take a spin around the Bremerton, WA area with the creator of the
LiftPort Group, Michael Laine, who gives an update on the development of the space elevator.
Yes -- space elevator.
100 year old Russian notes, the Bible, robots and April 2018 are all discussed in a whirlwind episode.
(QuickTime, 09:13)
Loyal robots of the future serving drinks at a wedding in space between a human and a robot...
Love your show but I haven't been able to view the last two Road Trip episodes. I get the audio, but no visual. Did you upgrade the transmission or do I have to upgrade my software? I have an eMac 10.2.8. Thanks.
steve -- "I now pronounce you man and bot!"
101driver -- okay, you got me! I try to sneak in something a little different and I end up upsetting the apple cart. I did try a different codec for the video (H264 instead of straight MPEG4) -- it does look better... BUT if it's causing loyal DriveTime viewers to be left in the lurch... the hell with it!! I won't stand for that!
I'm re-encoding, as we speak, and will re-upload the video in the same format. It ends up looking a little "sharper".
Hmmm I think that's sexist to think it's a woman bot and not a man bot. ;)
All kidding aside... that was a great show. Now I'm kind of like "whoa! Space elevator... what kind of music do you play in that? 2001 theme? Starwars? ;)"
Oh and I'm sorry Sonia was feeling so bad. I could see it in her face and I figured it was just sleepiness but then she said she was ill. I hope it wasn't anything too bad. I usually get colds on my trips. Not fun being sick on a trip. :P
Great show as always!
~L~ Going up the space elevator with space muzak
Love the show. And love the fact that you are out in seattle. Are you still here. I work at Microsoft and have a crazy long commute every day and listen to you on the commute :).
If you are still here it would be cool to have an episode in a Microsoft Shuttle.
what kind of music do you play in that? 2001 theme? Starwars? ;)"
"Thus Spake Zarathustra".
Scored for kazoo.
Ravi and Sonia.
Thank y'all very much for meeting up with Michael and taking time out of your vactation to DriveTime (is that a verb yet?) with us.
Your reaction pre and post interview is not uncommon. From 'get a sharp stick in case he gets out of hand' to 'wow this could actually work'.
Hey guys, thanks, that was a lot of fun. i liked the way you edited that, too - ya cut out the boring stuff, and kept the 'meat' and the laughter. anyway, our experiment is in its 5th week now. i will send video of the balloon platform so you can see what we are talking about. i broke our lifter robot (stupid mistake) and it doesnt take a lot of $ to fix it, its a simple part, but its gonna take at least 9-15 hours, because it buried in the middle of the 'bot.
by the way, this one is a 'guy' bot, named "Sword over Damacles', and we have had 'Frankenstein', 'sqweek', and 'mighty mouse', among others.
take care. mjl
Thanks for the update Mike.
You can always use "other" next time for your login and just put whatever for the name / website options.
So its a male bot... how dost thou determine it's maleness? Is there a button you push or a lever you change from Femme to Homme? ;)
great episode! ... in the theatrical release of 'Space Elevator' i'm picturing Rutger Hauer as the evil antagonist. (radiation-scarred even)
I remember reading a sci-fi story about a space elevator many years ago. The wire going up was kind of the focus of the story. If you read up on this at Wikipedia, you find out that the weight of the wire is the key to the whole idea. That's why LiftPort is working on nanotubes. The wire has to be much stronger and much lighter than any currently available material. Anyway, in the story, the wire is only a few molecules thick, and very, very (very) strong so it will cut through anything. That will give you a clue to what happens in the story. Can't remember the title, though. It was long time ago.
Looking forward to Friday for the next show.
By the way, Studio R looks plush! Too bad there isn't some kind of "web-whiff" technology or something so we could get that new car smell. I long for Studio A's engaging purr/rattle/squeak, though.
joe c.
in the theatrical release of 'Space Elevator' i'm picturing Rutger Hauer as the evil antagonist.
As long as the nerdly IT guy is NOT played by Wayne Knight, I'm cool with Rutger Hauer. Not that I have any say-so I'm just saying.
You know... they'll probably get someone like Ben Stiller as the evil genius. ;)
It will be called:
Something about Space Elevators.
~L~ ;)
Enough of this speculation about who will be in the theatrical version of the Space Elevator story... who will be in the sitcom version?!
I picture a return of Gabe Kaplan as a kind of NASA bureaucratic insider who has a soft spot for the wacky space elevator gang that is led by his grandson, played by Freaks & Geeks alum Samm Levine.
mjl -- good to hear from you and definitely keep us in the "liftport loop"!
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