Ravi and Sonia return from their European jaunt and a hopped up, near unedited aesthetic takes form as DriveTime ramps up for November Sweeps. Ravi announces the first official spin-off of DriveTime: the Wikaklog component of his Wikake project, devised for the Art Cake exhibition at Cambridge's Axiom Gallery.
(QuickTime, 07:33, 31 MB)
welcome back, welcome back....welcome back.
Yeah, welcome back. Did you learn any interesting driving hand gestures in Italy? :)
I think Ravi, you meant to say:
Wee Kah kay ;)
Great show. Is it really that cold that Sonia needed a scarf? It's been cool here but just now getting into jacket weather but then it's Tx. It will probably warm up a bit by Thanksgiving and between then and Christmas.
Was that a roman candle they had for Sonia's birthday candle? Scary stuff. LOL :D
I like the short hair but miss the facial hair, Ravi. Funny though... there's some guy on the early show for ABC or something... he looks a bit like you do now with the short hair and no beard. Funny that I saw him and thought of you and now you guys look alike. ;)
worm 2 -- thanks for the welcome back(s)!
joe c -- no time for hand gestures whilst driving in Italy (no time for anything but driving!)
Six speed manual transmission and 90 mph in the cruising lane. Yikes!
lehsa -- I don't know *what* that was they put in Sonia's cake, but I don't think fire rules allow such pyrotechnics in American restaurants! And yes, it's super cold here! (so facial hair may well return).
so you're telling me you couldn't hear the music that was going on in my head? i guess the welcome(s) could've had more context...maybe this will help:
welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out. welcome back, to that same old place that you laughed about.
yeah we tease him a lot cause we've hot him on the spot, welcome back,
welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.
Some of Sonia's expressions are brilliant, especially the one at the end.
Good to see you guys back.
Neat! Where did you guys go in Europe?
sorry worm 2... didn't catch your Gabe Kaplan-themed well wishes!
john -- now I'm going to have to try to catch Sonia's expressions as I drive (cue driving off the J-way).
hey trevor -- we were mostly in Italy with a bit o' France!
chesterrocks7 -- I will check out your strange news stories and comment there!
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I just discovered your blog, watched two episodes and decided this is quality programming.
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