Friday, December 22, 2006

Episode Two.Nine

Ravi and Sonia bring some light into Studio-V for the shortest day of the year. Plus, a long-overdue dip into the DriveTime Glovebox and a visit from the Good Doctor B -- just in time for the holidays!

(QuickTime, 07:55, 32MB)


Brian said...

yo yo yo merry whatever.
most enjoyable episode! love dr.B! ... more dr. B! "yes"

gift cards are an interest free loan for big business. didn't consider that, did ya? and when you go in to use them, you usually end up spending more than the face value.

Ravi said...

brian -- "Yes"!

Thanks for the Sobering/Cynical Santa tip on Gift cards. The perfect anti-gift card? Savings Bonds!

Old school!

Anonymous said...

Cash Cab has nothing on you guys.

The reference to the savings bonds would be far more funny if I hadn't received them for Christmas in the past.

Anonymous said...

Uhm what was Dr B Saying at the end? O_o Voya Venactin? or Foya Venacten?

I'm curious now. :D

Great show as always! I loved the Christmas car lights. It also looks like it was cold. Hasn't quite reached TX yet. Still a balmy 50ish degrees. ;)

I hope you guys have the happiest of holidays and continued success in the new year!


Bastian Löhrer said...

It sounds like Dr B was trying to say "Frohe Weihnachten". That's what it sounds like.

"Frohe Weihnachten" is German and means Merry Christmas. I'm German by the way.

Stefan said...

the lights in the car are nice and soothing. Keep it up!

Ravi said...

Thanks lehsa! and thanks Bastian Löhrer for confirming Dr. B's slightly fractured German.

Stefan -- we may just keep the lights a little longer...

Ravi said...

Due to blogger's wonkiness, I can't seem to upload any new posts (!) and for some reason I'm not being able to switch over to the "new" blogger.


Perhaps a New Year's resolution is to switch out of blogger to something more reliable... WordPress?

Anyhoo -- we're on our New Year's hiatus. Happy New Year, all!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Ravi and Sonia!!!! Found your blog about a month ago through Steve Garfield's site and have been hooked ever since! It's such a great concept and the two of you make for the perfect hosts. Thanks so much for all the shows and I look forward to seeing more next year.

Anonymous said...

I think that every Drivetime has a "Quiz Sonia" element to it. The question is usually "What am I thinking right now?"

paulmlally said...


Love the 16:9 format but you and Sonia are worlds apart -- literally. Any way you can move the camera forward? Change the lens? Do something to change the perspective? As it is, I keep waiting for somebody/something to appear between you two, but I know nothing will.

A loyal fan (and film director)
