Ravi and Sonia slow things down for a special DriveTime Sunday Edition and muse about their own Sunday traditions before welcoming food journalist and author Nina Simonds to talk about her new multimedia food project, Spices of Life. And with her help, true implementation of The GridLock Griddle -- first alluded to in the pilot episode of DriveTime -- seems a distinct possibility....
(QuickTime, 08:03, 33 MB)
I put up a link on Spices of Life to DriveTime:
"Special Feature: Watch Nina on DriveTime!"
Ravi - I'm impresed with your command of foreign languages.
Sonia - I'm going to have some oatmeal right now!
Thanks for the crosslinking Steve -- I think it's the first true DriveTime CrossOver Episode! If my Chinese impressed you, just wait until we get a Swede in the guest chair and the Svenska will fly.
Enjoy your oatmeal... it's hearty enough to be your only meal of the day!
Sonia made me hungry and I just ate a nuked pizza (red baron brand) a few minutes ago. :P
Great show as always guys!
You make me want to make my own vblog now... especially with all the drama I've had in the past couple of weeks or so.
Keep warm! I know I am (stupid ground hog was wrong!!!!) ;P
Its ongoing fun to check in and watch your drive time vids ... I am still a regular viewer so keep up the footage ... Be strong keep well and have love in your heart. Brian UK.
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