Tuesday, June 27, 2006

World Cup Edition: Six

Ravi and Sonia welcome a bouncy new member of the DWCE crew before entering the first ever DriveTime Flashback... to bearded days of yore and a chat with New England Cable News' Digital Media Advisor Steve Safran.

(QuickTime, 05:05)


Joe C said...

Excellent show, R&S. How about "Fifa" or "Fifi" for the ball? You know, the international football organization?

joe c.

Ravi said...

Hey joe c! We'll add Fifa/Fifi to the hat... oh, and we *do* have a hat!

Anonymous said...

OK, how about Blue Ball? LOL

Steve Garfield said...

Excellent show. Nice hat Sonia! ;-)

The ball should be named 'Studio B'

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I loved the flashback to the beard!

Name the ball "Kick Me" or "Gooooooal!"

Sue said...

How about a nod to "Cast Away" - remember he named his ball Wilson? This one's an Adidas, so I vote you name it Adidas.

Anonymous said...

Now the official FIFA worldcup ball this year is named "Teamgeist"

Considering the nature of your program & DWCE coverage, I think it would be more than fitting to name your ball "Streamgeist"

Joe C said...

"Streamgeist"? How about "Drivegeist?"

-joe c.

Anonymous said...

Good show Ravi and Sonia!

How about this... I liked the "Adidas" idea Sue had but how about shortening it to Addie? Or maybe "Adiba" (ah dee bah) short for "Adidas Ball."

Fun stuff guys!


Anonymous said...

Gee just thought of another name...
Renee wants Raso...
If you just reverse that it's Sora which is Sky in Japanese. ;)

~L~ Who really needs to get offline and get ready for work. :P

Anonymous said...

*Sigh.* Upstaged by a ball. Story of my life..

Thanks again, guys. I had a great ride.

Anonymous said...

I think you should call it Loose Change. Have you all seen that movie?

Anonymous said...

Hi R&S,
Sad to report no video evidence of the crushing defeat by Italy due to technology failure. sack the refs. appalling. but here's an insight into the Italian team's training camp...


Noel B

Brian said...

enough soccer already! don't let this
happen to your show.

Anonymous said...

Are you trying to say Ravi and Sonia might have to have Studio V or Studio A fly over a shark? ;)


Ed said...

How about El Bola De Mundo? Hmm, that could be too formal. You can name it Fonzie for the nay-sayers.

How about Pele?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we should take this opportunity to show our thanks to the people of Germany & the über keen job they've done hosting the cup.

I can think of only one name that brings comfort to millions of Germans & just seems to make the world a little brighter...

"Hasselhoff the ball"

Because deep down, don't we all just want to drive talking cars & run on the beach in slow motion.

Ravi said...

Thanks all for the keen suggestions!
And no thanks to brian and his sour-puss demeanor.

We threw them into the DriveTime Magic Hat for episode seven! (those received before yesterday afternoon).