After a lengthy hiatus that had nothing to do with the writer's strike, Ravi and Sonia fire up Studio-V again and drop a DriveTime BombShell HatTrick. Plus, details on Ravi and Sonia's recent anniversary jaunt to NYC which featured some dynamic air-guitaring and some glowering intimidation by Ian McShane.
(QuickTime, 08:33, 52 Mb)
House! Baby! End of DriveTime!
trevorfsmith -- where's the *spoiler* tag? ;-)
Grats on the Baby. Grats on the House.
Sads on the end.
A nice, dramatic and big fiery inferno of car accident fatality is always a good way to end a chase scene while honing your special effects skills.
Also, +1 for Griddle Gridlock, but go for French toast instead of pancakes (less mess?!).
Congrats, Congrats, and Why Oh Why ... but Congrats nonetheless.
I like Sinistrad's idea of an "out-of-nowhere" accident. We'll never know when the "end" will come. Give it that "Lost" / "Cloverfield" feel.
Also, I just saw the very first DriveTime episode and I think that if the "Gridlock Griddle" hasn't made it by now, just keep teasing us with it, but never put it in.
Much success in your new life chapter.
I think you should rent a bus or a van and have every guest you've ever had all in one place, like the "Seinfeld" ending. The "it was all a dream" ending is always a crowd-pleaser, too.
Congrats on the house and baby.
I was with sinistrad that "how shall we go out" = "Thelma & Louise" ... and then the question of mini-me took that one right out.
One coup-like local guest to seek would be Brookline's own John Hodgman. That would just close down the whole show.
Barring Mr. Hodgman, you could run a show while crossing on a car ferry to Nantucket, so we can see your new house.
Congratulations on the baby and the house. I'm going to miss seeing you guys.
this is all too much!!!
this should end with a nice special edition DVD box set.
but really why let it end? These long breaks are sad but it's always nice when you come back.
why not just keep it open? A video every six months or year is something I think we can all put up with.
sinistrad -- thanks for the french toast tip! You are first out of the gate with the "fiery fatality" suggestion for an ending.
Thanks ozir -- Sonia agrees with you about not implementing the Gridlock Griddle.
tim -- thank for your suggestion but I must point out that it is flawed since it makes the assumption that DriveTime actually has a budget! ;-)
matthew and sunessa -- ha! Nantucket. We won't be so far afield. I had no idea Hodgman was a Brooklinite -- we could get Hodgman, Theo Epsein and Conan on the car-ferry!
And thanks for the well wishes anonymous.
so stefan, you advocate for the slow-drip fade out? We could always have the "fiery" end -- and I use that term conceptually not literally folks -- and then the obligatory reunion specials (don't ask me why, but I was reading about the Gilligan's Island reunions last night on wikipedia.)
Doesn't every classic TV show have some sort of episode where a child is born in a car while racing to the hospital?
Circle of life. That's my finale suggestion.
jason -- "circle of life," very poetic! And it could set up my idea of DriveTime: The Next Generation (aka DriveTime2032)
I like the idea of having a baby, but I think you should take DriveTime on vacation to an island, and then have a fiery crash where you and Sonia are left on the island to survive.
steve -- does the fiery crash involve Studio-V? (or Studio-A, which is actually much more likely)... or some other vehicle during said transport to island, like a hovercraft, for instance.
The salt-n-pepah beard definitely made me feel I'd flashed forward several years!
How to go out:
Driving off into the sun.
Or sunset, I suppose, if the former is too CGI-intensive.
And during the episode, greenscreen in any guests you wish you'd had but never made it by.
I look forward to the reunion episodes!
OK guys the last episode(s) should be "Pram Time".
polly -- love the green screen idea... maybe in the new house we'll set up a green screen with seats and a steering wheel (ala Toonces). Or maybe the last episode will reveal that that *is* what's been going on all along ("It's not what you think!").
anonymous -- I like PramTime, though it makes me feel like we should then drive on the other side of road! ;-)
Oh, and have you thought of spinning your trans-local notoriety into the 48hourfilm(.com) project? It has the potential to display the kempt-ness of your beard on screens even bigger than Bill Gates' personal LCD monitor.
Really sad to see you guys end the show. I am happy about the addition to your family. CONGRATS!!! Its always hard as a viewer to see something so well liked leave. Best of luck in the future!!!
O.K. I'm out of shock.....for the moment.
Ravi, it's extremely rare when somebody finds a hole in time and fills it so astonishingly well.
If you're open to some suggestions, think about an episode a month, maybe enlighten us on future cultural events coming up in the big city. Dates, times, places, so people that have been thing about visiting 'the big city' might find something interesting to enjoy. Especially the way you two can present it to all of us. You both are a delight to 'tune' in on. I'd even come up from PA and be one of your guests. I may even have a native of Cape Cod that all would enjoy.
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