Ravi and Sonia crack open the Official DriveTime Glovebox to field suggestions for the big DriveTime Finale. Mike Miliard, author of The Boston Phoenix's Sox blog, joins Ravi and Sonia in previewing the upcoming Red Sox season.
Ravi pulls out some Oprah under-the-seat-magic to summon DriveTime Japanese Correspondents Momo and Jake with a report beamed back from Tokyo. And Sonia sneaks in some SnackTime.
(QuickTime, 09:31, 58 Mb)
Dear Ravi & Sonia,
I'm sorry I'm an episode behind because my 3ivx DLL broke and I couldn't watch the previous episode until today.
It's hard to believe DriveTime is ending. It was your show that got me into videoblogging and the whole social media phenomenon. So much has happened in the past couple of years.
It was through your show that I realized some fundamental truths about video and how it connects people on a personal level.
Ravi, I'm happy that I did get to meet you at Boston Media Makers. Sonia, I have not had the pleasure of meeting you yet, but perhaps if you two (three?) can make time in August, you can come to my Social Media BBQ. I'll email a link to you.
What great news that you're buying a house, AND expecting. My best wishes go out to you. Maybe there'll be time for a little DriveTime "baby car seat" episode?
Best regards,
Joe Cascio
"Joe C! Long time no 'e'!" -- Sonia's quip.
Thanks for the testimonial, Joe.
Social Media BBQ sounds fun -- we may be racing to the delivery room around then, but you never know!
Fun! Daisuki Drivetime! ;)
Hey I'm going to be in Boston maybe this summer. Not sure how close to you our hotel is but it's near the airport.
Hope your shows continue. I'm finally catching up with the last three. :D
Good SourCe, Thanks a Lot.
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