In a temporal paradox that would make Doctor Who proud, Ravi and Sonia reach across the temporal divide to meet up with an earlier version of Ravi. This Past Ravi informs Future Ravi and Future Sonia about his future solo show at the Artist's Foundation gallery in Boston, "Jain, Trains and Automobiles".
Plus, after months of speculation (and recommendations) Studio-A is finally sent off to the highway in the sky.
(QuickTime, 08:38, 52 Mb)
Such a good sendoff show for Studio-A!
Thanks trevorfsmith -- Past Ravi and Studio-A will endlessly navigate E-traffic... just as Romana and K9 roam E-space.
oh no! studio-a got the scarlet r of shame. but what a great send-off episode.
Mind Exploding!! Epic episode!
I will always remember Studio A fondly!
And kudos to Stefan for the perfect postscript.
Great, now the world will blame me for the nail in the coffin of Studio A. I hardly touched the mirror! Honest!
Ravi, that fact that your selves' appearances are so radically different makes this episode less disorienting than it could have been... probably a good thing. It reminds me of the experimental split-screen films of the 70s...
Great show and I loved the ending. It explained it all, well, most of it at least.
I knew it had to be you, Stefan!! Bye, bye, Studio A. I blame (not Stefan) but those awful JP roads. I miss many things about JP, but not the roads. CERTAINLY not the roads.
Can't wait for Studio B
ROFL on the ending.
Just makes it all the more funnier.
Wow that is an OLD car if it's over 20 yrs old. Must have taken good care of it for it to last that long. :D
Hey... going to possibly be in Boston this summer. Atleast I'm hoping I will be. :D
Im writing to u from Poland i just watch in TV Beyond Tomorrow whith You and when it's over I came up to computer and find Your site.
I think its great idea ! You have to be a clever guy if u find out somethink like that :D I allready watch couple of Your episodes and I truly like it.
Go Go DriveTime !
U doing great job keep doing that.
Poland are whith You :D
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