Wednesday, June 14, 2006

World Cup Edition: Three

DWCE's first guest, journalist Mitch Krpata, talks with Ravi and Sonia about his Boston Phoenix article, "Eat, drink, and be a hooligan: Twelve places to soak in the World Cup."

And the U.S. Team is lamented.

(QuickTime, 03:49)


Joe C said...

Hey Ravi, a good one! Combining World Cup theme with true DriveTime style and a good guest. Plus, Studio V, if I'm not mistaken. Keep 'em coming!


Anonymous said...

Another great show.

Check out
Google Trends.
Looks like DriveTime is big in New Zealand. Do they have a soccer team in the World Cup?

Anonymous said...

rofl I think that's Drive Time (on Google) is the car reselling company. ;) But doesn't hurt to hope it's Ravi and Sonya. :D

Mind sending that rain up yonder down here Ravi? Puhleeeeeease???? ;)


Ravi said...

thanks joe c -- next DWCE coming up on Friday!

thanks jonnydock! and yes lehsa, "Drive Time" could be any one of a thousand things. And you can take all of our rain, be our guest!

Anonymous said...

I just saw the piece on TV. I loved it. I laughed out loud because About 10 years ago I was Managing a Public access studio/station and I created a VJ (VIdeo Jockey) booth wit one static shot. It was totally ran by the talent. To introduce all the uses of this new technology, I had a weekly call in talk show. I love your ingenuity. Way to go. I know you will now be flooded with viewers. Do something for yourself with it.