Friday, October 21, 2005

Episode Two

In episode two, a co-host is introduced, the guest chair is christened and a lesson in driving is learned.

(QuickTime, 11:30)


Brian said...

the lovely Sonia is a great addition!
can't wait for the theme music ....
more Sonia
more near-accidents
more cowbell!

Ravi said...

Maybe we can incorporate your bike prowess into some sort of segment (which might fulfill your more "near-accidents' request).

Steve Garfield said...

Video of the car wreck would be evidence of Ravi being distracted while video taping a video blog post.

Headlines would follow:

Video Blogger Causes Crash

Vlogger Can't Stop Filming

You're on Candid Car Crash

Adjusting White Balance While Driving, Bad.

Ravi said...

For the record, my "near-miss" was independent from the video-taping!

Bibbs, thanks for the feedback.

I'm kind of pushing and pulling DriveTime to see the ideal format and length. I'm kind of thinking:
-- opening sequence (15 sec.)
-- introduction (1 min)
-- guest chat (4-5 min)
-- closing thoughts (20-30 sec)

So a total length of 7 minutes for a one guest show? But if I manage to have two guest... that all goes out the window!

I just looked through my digital snaps to see if I had any 'Behind the scenes' of the rigging, but I don't. I'll snap away during the next episode! I've been using primarily two set-ups:

-- clamp gripped on the dash with a slight wide angle lens
-- window clamp on the passenger side with standard lens (I worry more about this rigging)

Ravi said...


You're on Candid Car Crash -- nice!

I can see Linda Ergas doing a report if did cause a crash:

"The man was engaged in an activity called 'vlogging'"

Steve Garfield said...

The optimal opening sequence seems to be 5 seconds.

Part of the reason is for your subscribers who watch every show.

The Carol and Steve Show into is 5 seconds, I just checked.

Anonymous said...

This is a really neat (though potentially dangerous) idea for a show. A whole new twist on the standard chat show format.

Just one suggestion, though, Ravi. Please try and give your guests a bit more time to speak and answer your questions. The real art of the interviewer is to know when to shut up !

I'm really enjoying the show, though, and looking forward to the next episode. Keep it up.

Ravi said...

Thanks for the suggestion Steve -- I'm working on some idea for an animator/illustrator friend. I'll keep the brevity in mind!

Ravi said...


My wife would agree with you about me talking too much!

Thanks for the comment -- it's helpful as I try to hone the art of interviewing.

The art of interviewing while driving...

Ravi said...

Thanks bibbs,

A "standard" 3-camera studio style set-up would be nifty, indeed.

I've thought of implementing a segment called "Backseat Driver" which would let the viewer "see" what I see. Could be especially thrilling down the harrowing Jamaicaway.

Polly said...

Chris says: "If you have a hard time answering the question about whether you're an artist... You're an artist!"

As for time, his suggestion is to have a special quickie highlights version.

He's put in a request to be on DriveTime Special Edition: Florida!

I say: love the turn signal as a ticking clock - adds tension!


That was amazingly funny!!!!

Philipp Lenssen said...

Fun concept. I can already imagine celebrities sitting in that seat next to you...

Mendizabal said...

Dude, very cool. You... you're good.

Give this man a fish or teach him to fish...

whichever is of greater value

Anonymous said...

gaylen is so pretty

Anonymous said...


Just caught eps 1 and 2. I like the concept, and your execution is pretty good for just getting underway. Hope you can keep it going.

I'd second (third?) the notion of Backseat Driver. Not just for the occasional thrill, but for me, because I miss my dear Boston and would like to see it as you do--on the ground. (And don't forget to let a real backseat driver in there every once in a while. "Hey Ravi, let's take Cambridge St to Harvard Ave to Aspinwall..." "Shut up. Shut UP!")

Frank Carver's comment is spot on: you're talking over your guests (and co-host [Sonia's good in the co-captain's chair. Give her a raise--or at least co-exec producer credits]). Doubtless this is in part because it's damned hard to concentrate on driving, while keeping track of a conversation, let alone the pacing of a real discussion. So my hat's off to you for trying. That said, I'm sure you'll get better at the give-and-take as this goes along.

I too want what bibbs wants. Either a snapshot of Studio A (and B), or a writeup of the particulars. When you get a chance.

While you're mulling over the format, don't forget to leave time in to identify and thank sponsors. (Like maybe Audi & Volvo :-)

Future show ideas:
1. Notable points along your route (check out Fenway during the winter)
2. Snarky comments about bad drivers (like the dragster that blazed thru your blind spot)
3. Cathartic laments about the state of traffic (God, if only there were more potholes on Jamaicaway.)

Can't wait until winter and you really get into the slip-n-slide commutes.

I'd like to do something like this here in Cairo, but driving's still not too practical for me. Perhaps when I get down to Kinshasa later this year.


Shrini said...

Just saw the two episodes. great concept, i gotta ask though- how DO you manage to multitask while driving?

Waiting impatiently for ep 3 (and pics of the cam setup)

Mr. DNA said...

I just watched episodes 1 and 2. Very cool. I have a feeling you will have many imitators. I found myself trying to think of how I would do a show in my car. Then I remembered, I'm not that good at multitasking and I usually have my 2 year old son with me.
Looking forward to more.

Ravi said...

I wake up and there's a slew of comments! Thanks all for the very constructive feedback. Creating any kind of work in a void is kind of a drag.

Don't worry, I've got a "Shut up Ravi!" stickie on my shifter (Why I would be looking down at my shifter when I drive an automatic is whole other topic.)

Episode Three is in the "digital can" and features an exciting almost professional approach of shooting out of sequence (Driving out of sequence).

And don't worry -- I'm not going to crash. Or if I do, it won't have anything to do with this project.

Ryan said...

Just watched this for the first time... Great idea. Looking forward to seeing more of them in the futre.

Ravi said...


it's hard to say how long each episode takes since each of the three has been fraught with their unique problems.

Under "normal" conditions, I should be able to edit an episode in one two hour session (granted a bit of a 'hack n' slash style edit job). Then tack on another hour for output/testing/compression/upload (but that doesn't require full attention).

Hopefully I can hone it down to even less time. And then in some sort of 22nd century "Minority Report like" scenario I'll be able to yell "Go edit yourself!"

Anonymous said...

I think your left turn signal has one of it's lights out, because it's blinking really fast.

FYI - Trees naturally grow around the powerlines, somehow they sense the magnetic energy generated by the powerlines and the know to grow around it. Don't ask me why, I don't know, but they don't have to hack them to get them to grow like the one in that picture, they only cause a problem if they die and fall over.

Ravi said...

devodude6687, the blinker's not the only thing on its last legs with that car.

thanks for the info on trees/powerlines -- I'll pass on to Galen!