Friday, October 21, 2005

iTunes presence

DriveTime is available on Apple's iTunes! Any early adopters with 5G iPods to test playback?


Otto said...

I live in Allston and really its only b/c of the proximity to BU? I cannot imagine working here. What do you do here?

Anonymous said...

Hi - just found your site through boingboing we have been doing a audio commute- TheCommute.Org - for a while - I have been trying to convince Voice One (The Canadian voice) that a video version is in order. Keep it up.

Regards Voice Two.

Ravi said...

Hey otto,

Got your note about the BU show you're doing sound design for in December and I'd love to have you tell us more on DriveTime.

Thanks for the interest -- and the lead time! It would be prudent for me to get guests scheduled out a few weeks ahead so I'm not scrambling!

I'll drop you a line and you can tell me more about the show and we can work out a time.

Ravi said...

A DriveTime shout out to Voice Two!

I'm going to check out your podcast -- I was just reading your 'How To' page and I'm impressed at the fluid automation to get the content up.


Tschäff said...

That episode two was not half bad. I like to see healthy marital banter. Let your 2nd guest complete her thoughts though, you cut her off a bunch of times (probably for the purpose of keeping the conversation flowing). Just a little constructive criticizem. Also that woman seen with a camera, is quite a character. I think she would be just perfect in a woody allen film..

Tschäff said...

oh, and do you have an LCD screen in there where you can see what the camera is filming?

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I LOVED the two shows you've got up! Quite entertaining! I've passed along your itunes link and encouraged friends to subscribe to your podcast.

Keep up the good work and I'll be looking forward to next week's episode.


Anonymous said...

You tricked me! I thought if I clicked the Subscribe button it would take me to your iTunes Music Store page.

That's ok... but if you care to, replace your .jpg link with this:

It will take people to your page at the iTMS and they can subscribe from there!

Tschäff said...

what's the job you're driving to?

Anonymous said...

A concept that is finally here! I just wish I had the bandwidth to fully enjoy it. I think you are doing a great job and I look forward to more episodes. I think your wife makes a great co-host!

Jammer said...

I love the show! I mailed your page to a friend who has almost the same commute. Maybe he can join you sometime.

Polly said...

Nicely done on making boingboing via streettech!
Let DriveTime drive the RaviHypeMachine!

BTW, you might want to change your comments settings to show dates as well as times.

Anonymous said...

As no-one else has answered your question, I'll confirm that Episode Two is indeed iPod-friendly. (I didn't check episode one). The frame rate is a little low, but perfectly acceptable, and the sound quailty is great.

So now I can watch YOUR commute during MY commute...

Anonymous said...

Major kudos on the your video blog! I think this is the first compelling video blog I have come across... and that's including my own! My wife was fascinated by how you've taken something as isolating as the commute to/from work and found a way to reach out to others, not only locally, but across the internet, to share your story and that of your guests.

DriveTime is a great concept and even right out of the gate, it's execution shows great promise. If I may, I would like to share with you some thoughts I had while watching the first two webisodes.

-Time: While it is possible to find that length that works best and try to hit that, I think what's more important, is letting the content dictate the length. This is especially true for internet video content, since there are no broadcast standards to meet and since spending a lot of time on pre-production would be impractical. I could watch 30 minutes of DriveTime if you could fill 30 minutes with compelling content. Give the content the room it deserves to live and breathe, but no more or less.

-Time (again): Have you considered making just one trip an episode in itself? This might bring down the time per episode for those that are complaining, plus I feel like there is a bit of disjointment when you close the show from a different day/camera angle/wardrobe change, etc. I feel that maybe the focus leans towards the drive itself when really, the Drive is just a device to tell a story.

The story IS you, Sonia and/or your guest. The drive provides great structure for narrative arc. You begin the drive, you are driving to your destination, then you get there. Fill in the gaps with your thoughts, your guest interviews, etc and you have one complete piece.

-Intro: What are we speaking about when we say intro (mentioned in previous comments)? Let's take the 2nd webisode. You open with you and your wife in the car, warming it up, then she asks about AAA and you both then look at the guages and say "whoa!". Is this the intro?

Anyway, cutting to the titles (or title in this case) here was perfect because it set up some tension and drama. I asked myself, "Is something wrong with the car? Are they going to make it where they are going?"

If you were so inclined, I could see this type of thing at the beginning of each show... and it doesn't necessarily have to be THE moment at the beginning of any trip. That might be hard to achieve for each show, unscripted. And it doesn't have to be a tension filled or dramatic moment either. It could be a moment from any part of the drive that was funny, dramatic, awkward, etc, that sets the tone of the piece before going into your title sequence. I would not try to cut that down to 5 seconds, as any particular "moment" may not work in 5 seconds, to suit the needs of the piece. Let the content dictate the length.

-Editing/Composition: I like the composition of the dashboard shot. It's unique to your VLog and might soon become part of your brand. Adding other angles might be helpful to keep the show visually interesting, but I think they should be used sparingly. Also, by cutting to another camera angle (and to reiterate, this can be overdone, if not careful) you can compress the time, so that you can achieve a length that serves the content the best.

Related... Check out this device:

Maybe useful to you?

-About you: I'd like to know more about you and Sonia. Personal, within reason of course... what do you do for a living? Where are we going when we are in the car with you? What are you comfortable sharing? This might even work as a bio page on the blog itself, but I need to relate to you before I can really start relating to your guests THROUGH you.

-Other cities: Maybe this can grow into a phenomenon that spreads to other cities? I'm sure there will be some copycats, but perhaps you could facilitate this happening elsewhere under your brand "DriveTime"?

OK... enough of my rambling... I look forward to many more episodes of DriveTime in the future!


Ravi said...

A Sunday night shout out to all the great comments here. Really thoughtful, constructive comments!

Episode three is chug-chugging along.

Polly, I'll add dates to the comments -- good suggestion!

Daniel Burns, I'll take a look at reworking that link. Thanks. And extra thanks for your other suggestions. You know, I was thinking while editing the latest one that maybe it would work out better to do an episode as a one-trip experience. I will check out stickypod, thanks for the tip.

Thanks for the iPod confirmation I think I'll try to stick with the 12 fps for now. Thought I was very tempted to "sweeten" it to 15 fps for episode three. If I can get my episode lengths down to under eight minutes or so, maybe I can treat myself to a higher frame rate.

And thanks to everyone else -- it's definitely informing this piece!

Ravi said...

I've updated the link to go to the iTunes Music Store directory for DriveTime (a big thanks to daniel burns!)

Episode Three hasn't come up in the directory yet, but I was able to watch it in iTunes if I subscribed.